This Is How You Maximize Your Productivity

  Our society and culture has taught us that its honourable to be working 24/7, that its honourable to rise and grind and spend all your time working. We generally devalue who does not work or does not seem to have been working. We think that the ones that are occupied or busy 24/7 are the most successful ones or the most productive ones.

Productivity Defined

     Being busy and always moving through task is not the same as being productive. Productivity is getting the results you aim for with less time and effort. When you are productive, you won't be chasing declines or running behind schedule to get done. You'll probably be ahead of the schedule.

The Old Productivity Formula

     The basic productivity formula ( productivity = output divided by input ) worked well in the industrial age as the output and input were clearly defined measurable.

     Today's leaders need innovative solutions to measure and improve productivity in a knowledge based workplace, as the measurement of output an input is not what it was.

Robin Sharma's  Tip to Maximize Your Productivity

     According to a research the best performers are not working in a linear way but in a cyclical way. What it means us that continuous work on your project is not the best way to be fully productive. You need focus and enthusiasm whenever you are working. Continuous grinding in them decreases these factors. What you need is to have some sessions of break and then back to your work.

     The key to getting epic things done is not getting up in the morning and working till late at night. The key is more like work in short bursts of intense productivity and then take time to recover.

     So everyday, work for few hours and then take some time off. Go for a walk/run, then go back to work for few more hours and then take some time off. May be take a nap or cook what you love. You can even take some days off every month. This will help you rejuvenate.

" Recovery is not a Luxury. It's an absolute necessity. "

                             - Robin Sharma
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June 5, 2020 at 4:08 PM ×

Good good 👍

Congrats bro Tikaram Adhikari you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...