This Is How You Make An Impact

The Power of Consistency

     In this world, you can get anything instantly. Everything can be achieved instantaneously, except for things like job satisfaction and strength of relationships. There are no shortcuts for that. They are slow, messy and uncomfortable processes. Most of the youngsters want to have an instant result, an instant achievement. They do not concern themselves with consistent effort. They are energetic and full of enthusiasm but they quit too early because they fail to make an impact. For the young generation like you and me, the impact means making a statement achieving goal/success, reaching the summit. 

 I imagine that summit to be a mountain. It doesn't matter if we go up that mountain quickly or slowly but there's still a mountain. It ain't going anywhere. So what our generation needs to learn is patience. That some of the things like love, joy, satisfaction take time to be achieved. Sometimes you get to have little taste of these but the overall journey is long and difficult. That is why if we don't ask for help and learn the necessary skill set, we are going to fall from that mountain.

     Let's have an example. Imagine that you go to the gym, workout and look in the mirror. There's  no change. The next day you do the same and still see no change. You go through these cycles for some days then declare that this process is ineffective and hence quit. But if you believe that this is the right course of action and stick to it consistently, then I'm not sure which day but eventually you will start getting into shape. I am sure of it. This goes same for all the other new things we try, new projects we join with full of enthusiasm at the first few days but latter drop them. Like when leading to draw, dance, play an instrument or even with getting started with your business. Consistensy is important.

     The same goes with the relationship. It's not about the events, its not the intensity, it's about consistency. Let me ask you a question. What happens when you brush your teeth two times for 2 minutes for 1 day? Nothing, unless you do it everyday. It's all about piling up or stack up the progress you achieve with your habits and efforts. It's the consistency. Going to the gym for 9 hrs does not get you into shape. Working out everyday consistently for 20 minutes gets you into shape.

   What was the last training you attended? What skills did you learn from that training? Do you still practise those skills and use them as you did during the first few days after you learnt them? Were you consistent  or did you have up? Were you patient enough to keep practicing the new habits you installed in your routines with the sole objective of your personal growth and improvement. If you were, I congratulate you. But if you weren't, I encourage you to try it one more time. Restart performing these habits consistently with patience and belief. I know you will obtain what you desire and I am sure of it.

5 Crucial Habits To Be Done Once A week

Author's Letter:

Dear readers,
                         If you have reached up to this point then I express my whole hearted gratitude to all of you for your love and support. Please subscribe if you haven't and do share the post if you liked it. It will surely help me grow. Stay tuned, there are a lot of articles such as these to come in the future.
                                         Saugat Shrestha
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